Customized Hosting Solution
Build your business or personal website with Solum Systems.
MICROSOFT AZURE SERVICESCLOUD BACKUPSWikipedia - "A remote, online, or managed backup service, sometimes marketed as cloud backup, is a service that provides users with a system for the backup, storage, and recovery of computer files." Solum Systems - Online backup provider. Protect your valuable data with scheduled online backups.
EXCHANGE HOSTINGStill using HOTMAIL for your business? Start Exchange and no more headaches. Get the most out of Exchange® when you hosted with Solum Systems (Microsoft's Partner, Intermedia's Partner) From one mailbox to custom Exchange solutions for small and midsize businesses.
OFFICE 365Empower your employees with virtually anywhere access to your business files and messages and the latest Office applications, plus more advanced cloud-based IT services at predictable costs.